Fortunately however, there have been times in the past when an education wasn't used for personal gain. Certain individuals understood that, in truth, the only thing worth pursuing is sacrifice for humanity. Jonas Salk was one of those individuals. If the name doesn't ring a bell, perhaps the disease called Polio does. Dr. Salk was the scientist that invented the Polio vaccine. And here's the kicker; instead of selling the vaccine like most drug companies do today, he gave it away for free. His reason for doing so was that the salary he was receiving at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine was sufficient and that making money off the vaccine would be inhumane seeing as so many people (mostly children) were dying from this terrible disease.
There is a lesson larger than life that was set forth in his act of unselfishness, and I pray that many more would catch his incredible vision for humanity. Instead of spending so much time staring at our faces in the mirror, perhaps we should gaze into each others to learn and understand just what plagues humanity today; then search for the cure. Never act out of selfishness or with an attitude of, " What can I get out of the deal?" Just act in love and understanding. We all need a lot more of that.
"Don't believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you'll see the way to fly." -Richard Bach