I was having a conversation with a friend of mine the other day about how each person on the face of this earth is in some sort of prison. Most don't even have a clue that they're in a prison, or where the boundaries of it lie. As we expounded in conversation on this simple idea, it became apparent to me that most people spend their lives trying to make their prison walls more enclosed until they haven't the room to even lie down and sleep. This vast majority try very hard to nail down what they term security, but all the while worrying about the wolf that will eventually devour them, their families, and their possessions. And as that seed of worry develops in their souls, they begin to build walls within the walls of their prison, making it harder and harder to see the light of day, or break free from their own set boundaries. Prejudices fester in them as they see those who live lives of risk and danger, or who are just different from them. In the state they put themselves in, they find it impossible to turn their necks and see others for who they truly are. Instead, they settle for somebody
else's opinion of what such and such is, never actually understanding the truth of it all. And as this develops in many a soul, the prejudices of the caged and shackled becomes extrapolated beyond measure making it damned near impossible to even trust a hope that redemption exists for them.
There are others, however, that do not fear pain or death. And although the prison walls still exist in their lives, they are so far apart that one must squint just to focus upon them. They are quite aware of where those walls are, and they trust in them for support and safety. But not so much as to bind them. These people's prisons are filled with all sort of treasure and magic. There are many dangerous pitfalls, and other things that would harm them. But as stated before, they are very aware of them. This group of people enjoy their lives, and would that others as well. Trying with all their might to unbind that which has been bound. And although it may seem superfluous at times, they possess one of the most admirable traits a human can: Hope. They understand that at one point, all have been bound in some way or another, and to despise those who are would be to bind themselves all the more. And as hope buds in their hearts, so does love take hold and develop making them understand the "Why" of it all.
The last thing I'd like to mention about the "Free Prisoners" is that they know exactly where the door of their prison is, and they hold the keys. They understand however that at present they must reside in a prison to understand and encourage them that are hobbled, and to love them that have never experienced such joy, making it possible for more love to abide in more hearts.