Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Running, Running, and Running Some More.

I'm trying to get ready for a marathon in March. However, I've never ran a formal race in my life, and getting ready for a marathon is quite an undertaking. Nonetheless, I feel I must achieve this goal no matter how frustrating or discouraged I become. It's kind of like in The Legend of Zelda when you're in the sixth dungeon. All of those wizards are popping up and shooting you, so you kill a bunch of those plunger guys and moblins to save up enough bread to buy the magical shield for 90 rupees in the secret tree store and defend yourself. But, lo and behold, the wizard's magic waves make your shield that you paid 90 friggin' rupees for disappear! These kinds of situations can make you want to throw the Nintendo out the window. But, determined as you are to finish the game, you persevere! Maybe a few lives later you beat the sixth dungeon and come out feeling like you could take on Ganon with only the wooden sword and three hearts. By being in this situation a gazillion times (since I'm an NES nut) I know that while trying to prepare for this marathon, things will come up to try and kill my resolve. But I also know the end result of my efforts: Completing the Triforce and saving the princess!

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