Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Why Popular Trends Irritate Me.

I just read a review on the new Ipad. It looks like a computer that has less features, doesn't fold up to protect itself, and costs a lot of money. Yet, all the reviews on the post were in favour of it over the Kindle or the Nook. Why is this I ask myself. The charm of the latter two (in my humble opinion) is that they are simple in design, cost a reasonable price, and do what they say. I'm really not anti-Apple, but I try to be a realist when it comes to things and frankly, Steve Jobs has everyone following him like the Pied Piper. The Ipod, and the Iphone were both amazing leaps as far as technology is concerned and I'll give him props for them, but for the Ipad... Sorry dude, it just sucks. I don't want a reader that turns into a helicopter and flys me to Steve Jobs' house so that I can pay him 14.99 a month to access the internet that I already have. I want a reader that I can buy and download books to for the simple price of the book alone and read it. Thats what a reader is.... right?


  1.'s apple's answer to the netbook. It doesn't need to fold because the screen doesn't scratch (like the iPhone). And you don't have to pay for the use. It has an option to use wi-fi. It's really for those of us that use their iPhone as a travel computer but need more power. It's just new tech. And $499 isn't too much. You'll be getting a great product that works well. Like all apple products.

  2. It's pretty stupid of them to make it not run MacOS X. A netbook runs a full computer OS with full computer applications.
    This is just an oversized iPod touch.

  3. It may be a response to the net book, but on all reviews that I've read on it, the only comparisons made to it are the kindle, nook, and sony reader (which sucks). The Ipad doesn't come with 3G unless you pay 14.99 a month (it comes with the kindle for free), costs twice as much as the Kindle or Nook ($259 for them), and its being advertised as an e-reader (which I don't think it is because it has a backlit screen which strains the eyes). Maybe the question should be.... What the heck is it!?

  4. It's something new. That's what apple does. Just watch there will be two more like it by the end of the year. Except running some form of unix.

  5. You both have it spot on! It's a new device that sits between an iPhone and a netbook. Problem is that it sucks because it sits too close to what an iPhone does with the price tag closer to a full computer. Steve, put in a full OSX and a USB port. Until then I'll keep the iPhone that still fits in my pocket.

    Great post!
