Saturday, June 25, 2016

Unveiling Disappointment

Someone had me work on their vehicle today. I'm a helpful kind of guy, so I obliged. They told me they'd buy me a coffee and even slightly inconvenienced me to verify what kind I drank. It was a job that should have paid at least 50 bucks, but I wasn't concerned. I just like helping people. However, when I arrived at their place to do the job, there was no coffee.

Why do I care? I mean, I can make coffee at home. My job has free coffee. Why does it matter whether or not the individual neglected to bring the coffee? It's simply because they said they would. I went to an out of the way place to perform a repair for nothing. I asked for nothing, but they offered coffee and didn't deliver. And this, to me, is an offensive act. Nevertheless, I did my best to remain as professional and friendly as possible. I finished the job anyway. This is who I am.

I've met a lot of people who promise something and then don't deliver. Heck, I've done it myself. But this is something we need to purge from ourselves. It's not enough to talk a good game or look professional; we need to act the part. Each of us has our foibles and follies, but we need to treat each other as we wish to be treated. Instead of talking behind each other's backs, let's do some soul searching into why we feel the need to cower behind gossip, then act the very part we condemn.

And most of all, bring coffee if you say you're going to for crying out loud!

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